Child and Family Services
Connections, Inc. has been committed to providing supportive services to children and families exclusively in home, school, and community-based settings for over 20 years. We believe strongly that children grow and learn best in natural settings living safely with their parents or supportive loving adults. Thus, we strive to offer comprehensive care and treatment options to facilitate meaningful relationships and more healthful outcomes for those we serve.
Behavior Consultation (HB casework referral): Our behavior consultation services provide professional support to school aged children with emotional health issues who are experiencing difficulty fully and safely participating in their homes, schools, and communities. We attempt to identify any barriers to success and recommend short- and long-term solutions to improve their quality of life. Our staff are most experienced supporting children and teens with complex trauma experiences, suicidal ideations, and who are victims of sexual abuse and/ or human trafficking.
Counseling: Our State of Indiana licensed therapists offer structured, goal-oriented therapy in an office or school-based setting for children and families affected by physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or neglect. In addition, this service can help address other concerns such as: substance abuse, mental health issues, and youth behavioral issues.
Home Based Case Work/ Case Management: Case management supports assist the referred child, teen, or family with gaining access to services and supports to assure their overall health, safety, and stability. Specifically, we assist youth and families to identify safe housing, employment, health care, food security, parenting resources, and locate other community-based programs to encourage their use of natural supports and facilitate longer term independence and resilience.
Home Based Therapy: Our State of Indiana licensed therapists offer structured, goal-oriented therapy for children and families affected by physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or neglect in their natural home environments. In addition, this service can help address other concerns such as: substance abuse, mental health issues, family dysfunction, and youth behavioral issues.
Home Maker-Parent Aid: Our Home Maker- Parent Aid service provides direct professional assistance to parents and caregivers who struggle with fulfilling necessary parenting or home care functions. Parent Aids support families by advocating, teaching, and demonstrating appropriate life skills to build self-sufficiency and a healthier household. Areas of our evidence-based skill development instruction may include topics such as child safety and nutrition, obtaining and maintaining housing, managing finances and budgeting, and transportation to medical appointments or grocery shopping.
Parent Education: Our Parent Education services are offered in either individualized or group settings as a means of supporting and preserving the family and caregiver unit. Connections Inc. utilizes the Nurturing Parenting Program model exclusively for instruction. It is a family-centered trauma-informed initiative designed to build nurturing parenting skills as an alternative to abusive and neglecting parenting and child-rearing practices. Our long term goals are to prevent recidivism in families receiving social services, lower the rate of multi-parent teenage pregnancies, reduce the rate of juvenile delinquency and alcohol abuse, and stop the inter generational cycle of child abuse by teaching positive parenting behaviors.
Tutoring and Literacy Education: Individualized and group tutoring services are offered in virtual, office, and school-based settings with a goal to raise the academic performance of school aged youth. We assist students to earn high school credits and/ or meet or exceed grade equivalent standards established by the Indiana Department of Education. Literacy instruction is also available for youth ages 4-18. Connections, Inc. tutors speak both English and Spanish at a minimum to reduce any ESL barriers.
Visitation Supervision and Exchange Services: Our visitation supports enable children and teens to maintain essential connections with parents with whom they are not living, while also protecting the physical and emotional safety of the children and their families. Services can be provided in the parent’s home, in the community, or at our office on the east side of Indianapolis as needed for everyone’s health and safety.